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Enterotoxin syndrome

Dec. 20, 2021

Enterotoxin syndrome

In recent years, enterotoxin syndrome, a disease characterized by diarrhea, undigested feed in feces, significantly reduced feed intake, slow growth, low feed conversion rate, dehydration, and sudden death of broiler chickens, is prevalent in commercial broilers.Although the mortality rate is not high, the disease often results in reduced feed conversion, reduced weight gain, huge hidden economic losses, and is often mistaken for general dyspepsia, or a single infection of small intestinal coccidia.In fact, the disease is a syndrome caused by a variety of etiologies, which poses a serious threat to the healthy breeding of broilers.


I. Incidence and clinical symptoms:

A large number of chicken diarrhea, some chicken diarrhea is not formed, not heaps of feces, feces than normal chicken occupied a large area, feces color is light yellow, there are a large number of undigested feed particles, while the feed intake of the chicken group decreased rapidly.Early sick chicken some abnormal mental excitement, head and neck tremor, running around disorderly bump, screaming and other symptoms, excitement after often because of paralysis, exhaustion and death, and the phenomenon of sudden death before dawn increased significantly.

Early necropsy cases can be seen: the duodenum and jejunum wall swelling, intestinal mucosa thickening, light color, gray white, like a thick layer of bran, easy to peel, small intestine serous membrane surface with needle tip to green bean size red bleeding points.

Necropsy examination of dead chickens can be found that the intestinal wall thinning, mucous membrane shedding, intestinal content some purulent, some fish intestine like, some tomato like, individual chicken symptoms are particularly serious, intestinal mucosa almost completely off, disintegrate.Based on the clinical symptoms and pathological changes, it can be preliminarily diagnosed as enterotoxin syndrome of broiler chickens.


II.  Pathogenesis and pathogenesis:

1. Severe infection of coccidia

Due to the large growth and reproduction of small intestinal coccidia in the intestinal mucosa, it can lead to thickening of the intestinal mucosa, bleeding points on the intestinal wall, shedding of the intestinal mucosa and other lesions, so that the nutrition in the intestinal feed can hardly be absorbed, and the absorption of water is also significantly decreased, so the chicken, although drinking a lot of water, but the body will still appear dehydration.This is also one of the important reasons for fecal thinning and undigested feed.

2. Changes in the intestinal environment

The rapid propagation of small intestinal coccidioides in intestinal mucosal cells requires the consumption of oxygen in the host cells, resulting in the production of large amounts of lactic acid in intestinal mucosal tissues, resulting in a serious decrease in the pH value of the intestinal environment.Due to the change of intestinal pH value, intestinal flora has changed, the number of beneficial bacteria decreased, harmful bacteria proliferate in large numbers, so that the digestion ability of various digestive enzymes decreased, intestinal peristalsis accelerated, digestive fluid discharge increased, the residence time of feed in the digestive tract shortened, digestion time reduced, resulting in incomplete feed digestion.The undigested feed and the exfoliated intestinal mucosa are discharged together, forming clinically common fish gut like, tomato like feces, and yellow undigested feed particles in feces.

  1. the effects of dietary vitamins, energy and protein on the disease:In the survey found that feeding the chicken feed nutrition is good, its incidence is higher, the more severe symptoms, poor quality of feed chickens incidence rather low, this is due to the ball and the mixed infection of bacteria, a lot of energy, protein, vitamins is a major nutritional ball insect breeding, breeding, so it can promote both aggravating illness.

4. Large loss of electrolytes

In the process of the disease, coccidia and bacteria multiply in large numbers, resulting in dyspepsia, intestinal absorption disorders, reduced electrolyte absorption, at the same time due to the destruction of a large number of cells, resulting in a large number of electrolyte loss, especially a large number of potassium loss, resulting in cardiac hyperexcitability, sudden death of broilers.

5. Self-poisoning

In the process of coming on, a large number of intestinal epithelial cells burst, produce corruption decomposition, coupled with a large number of toxic substances produced by the disintegration of dead insect body, bacteria body, by the body after absorption of autogenous poisoning, so as to appear in clinical first excited, after paralysis, coma, failure of death.


III.  popular characteristics

1. Enterotoxin syndrome of broilers mainly occurs in commercial broilers aged from 30 to 40 days. This disease can occur all the year round, and the lack of coccidiosis prevention is the main cause of this disease.In addition, poor sanitation, high density, high humidity, poor ventilation, and serious symptoms.Therefore, according to the epidemic characteristics of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen breeding management and do a good job in prevention.

2. Coccidioides can complete their life cycle multiple times in the internal and external environment of the body, and there are a large number of eggs in bedding and feces, leading to repeated infection of coccidioides.Therefore, must be regularly to the hen house, cages and other equipment and ground thorough disinfection, keep clear of feces and damp bedding, and its accumulation in a fixed location on disposal, to prevent pollution and water feed, to cut off the route of transmission, reduce the incidence of ball, from a certain extent, reduce the cause of the disease, can reduce the occurrence of the disease.


Chinese medicine says intestinal toxin

Enterotoxin syndrome is called on traditional Chinese medicine: miscellaneous disease.Is more pathogenic factors.There is stasis and stagnation in this part of the bowel.Stasis will heat, and then performance: swelling, congestion, bleeding;Excessive moisture is the root cause of stasis, stagnation, swelling, not general pain;This wet and hot intestinal environment provides suitable soil for coccidioides, tapeworms and intestinal pathogenic microorganisms to settle and reproduce, further increasing the damage to the intestinal wall.Chicken performance: paralysis, screaming, rigidity and death.

Starts in stasis, wet hysteresis, damp and hot, wet and heat caused by intestinal running order disorder, "no intestinal waste residues out, food does not enter the fresh nutrition" the body into a state of slow, and the intestinal tract is the body's internal and external exchange "artery", such as slow, "avenue trail would stop", "communication", both inside and outside waste toxins retention in the body, the self "poisoning".


Therapeutic principles

Early and middle stage to remove stasis, dampness and heat.Commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine are: pangxinlian powder, sihuang Zhili, qiwei Coccidia powder and so on.

The aim of later treatment is to restore the function of intestinal tissue and reconstruct the intestinal environment.The commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine is: Tonzhong Yi Qi SAN.

The environment will be restored and miscellaneous diseases will disappear naturally.

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